Your guide to better leadership.
Change your mindset. Change your life.
Your guide to better leadership.
Change your mindset. Change your life.
We promise you that this is not another leadership course on the web. We are a dedicated online consultancy and training company to help you get the best results.
The principles we teach come from the sweat and tears of a real battlefield.
Every situation and position we're in requires us to LEAD - to make decisions, interact with people, control our emotions, to grow and improve. Want to get better? Come and learn with us!
Advance your skills by yourself or with the whole team!
"The Leaders Way" Mentor Program
Team Package to suit your company
Learn from the "Leadership Training Company of 2022" in Estonia

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What to expect from Combat Ready academy?
War teaches even those, who haven't seen it.
Most people don't even realize how much war has in common with our daily struggles. For us leaders, every day is a fight whether we're at work or home. But if these environments are so similar, why do we prepare differently?
What can be learned from it all? Would you like to rush into combat as many Russian soldiers currently do - "Here's a rifle, get on the bus and good luck!" - with little to no preparation whatsoever? I don't think so. Yet this is what many people do. Whether in their daily lives or when taking their first steps in the business world.
War teaches even those, who haven't seen it.
Most people don't even realise how much war has in common with our daily struggles. For us leaders, every day is a fight whether we're at work or home. But if these environments are so similar, why do we prepare differently?
What can be learned from it all? Would you like to rush into combat as many Russian soldiers currently do - "Here's a rifle, get on the bus and good luck!" - with little to no preparation whatsoever? I don't think so. Yet this is what many people do. Whether in their daily lives or when taking their first steps in the business world.
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